Chapter 3
Week 3 lecture 3
Challenges I
- Confirm that the following function generates a symmetric matrix for any square matrix
- In
, the functionstop()
can be used to stop a function when an error occurs. So
Modify make_sym()
so that it tests whether X
is square, and returns an appropriate error if it isn’t.
- Confirm that
crossprod(A, B)
andt(A) %*% B
give the same result and then benchmark the two commands for \(1000 \times 200\) and \(1000 \times 100\) matricesA
- Confirm that \(\mathbf{x}_i^{\text{T}} \mathbf{Ax}_i > 0\) for
\[ \mathbf{A} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 0.91 & 0.32 & 0.62\\ 0.32 & 0.31 & 0.15\\ 0.62 & 0.15 & 0.47 \end{array}\right),~ \mathbf{x}_1 = \left(\begin{array}{r} -0.12\\ 0.51\\ 0.22 \end{array}\right),~ \mathbf{x}_2 = \left(\begin{array}{r} -0.32\\ -1.07\\ -1.36 \end{array}\right),~ \mathbf{x}_3 = \left(\begin{array}{r} -0.97\\ -0.16\\ -0.36 \end{array}\right). \]
- If \(\mathbf{x}_i\) is stored in
, how can all \(\mathbf{x}_i\) be simultaneously checked by formingX = cbind(x_1, x_2, x_3)
Week 4 lecture 1
Challenges I
- The function
is a bit irritating because it returns a \(1 \times 1\) matrix and has alogarithm
attribute. Modify the function so that it returns a scalar, and has no attributes. [Consider usingas.vector()
dmvn1 <- function(y, mu, Sigma, log = TRUE) {
# Function to evaluate multivariate Normal pdf
# at y given mean mu and variance-covariance
# matrix Sigma.
# Returns 1x1 matrix, on log scale, if log == TRUE.
p <- length(y)
res <- y - mu
out <- - 0.5 * determinant(Sigma)$modulus - 0.5 * p * log(2 * pi) -
0.5 * t(res) %*% solve(Sigma) %*% res
if (!log)
out <- exp(out)
attributes(out) <- NULL
y <- c(.7, 1.3, 2.6)
mu <- 1:3
Sigma <- matrix(c(4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2), 3, 3)
dmvn1(y, mu, Sigma)
Challenges II
- Using
solve(A, b)
, whereA
\(= \mathbf{A}\) andb
\(= \mathbf{b}\), confirm that \(\mathbf{x} = (23/2, -22/3, 11/3, -10/3)^\text{T}\) is the solution to \(\mathbf{Ax} = \mathbf{b}\) for \[ \mathbf{A} = \left(\begin{array}{rrrr} 2 & 3 & 0 & 0\\ 4 & 7 & 2 & 0\\ -6 & -10 & 0 & 1\\ 4 & 6 & 4 & 5\\ \end{array}\right) \text{ and } \mathbf{b} = \left(\begin{array}{r} 1\\ 2\\ 1\\ 0\\ \end{array}\right). \]
Week 4 lecture 2
Challenges I
- Using
accordingly solve
- \(\mathbf{Lx}_1 = \mathbf{z}\)
- \(\mathbf{Ux}_2 = \mathbf{z}\)
for \(\mathbf{x}_1\) and \(\mathbf{x}_2\), where
\[ \hspace{-.5cm}\mathbf{L} = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 2.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0\\ 2.3 & 1.2 & 0.0 & 0.0\\ 0.8 & 2.1 & 1.8 & 0.0\\ 0.3 & 1.4 & 1.1 & 0.5 \end{array} \right) ~,\mathbf{U} = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} 0.3 & 1.9 & 1.9 & 1.4\\ 0.0 & 2.5 & 0.6 & 0.1\\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 2.5 & 0.5\\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & 2.1 \end{array}\right) ~\mathbf{z} = \left(\begin{array}{r} -0.47\\ 0.07\\ -0.48 \\1.45 \end{array}\right). \]
and confirm your result with solve()
Challenges II
- Use the following function to generate a \(5 \times 5\) symmetric and positive definite matrix.
rsympdmat <- function(n) {
# function to generate symmetric positive definite matrix
# of dimension n x n
# n is an integer
A <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), n)
crossprod(A, diag(abs(rnorm(n))) %*% A)
- Calculate its Cholesky decomposition and confirm that it is a Cholesky decomposition, i.e. that its cross product or transposed cross product give the required result
- Invert it through its Cholesky decomposition, and confirm your result with
- Compute the logarithm of its determinant, and confirm your result with
- The Cholesky decomposition exists for any symmetric positive definite matrix. Generate an arbitrary \(4 \times 4\) matrix, use
to make it symmetric and then consider howchol()
can check whether it’s positive definite.
Week 4 lecture 3
Challenges I
- Compute the Cholesky decomposition of \(\mathbf{H}_4\), i.e. the \(4 \times 4\) Hilbert matrix, and then use this to solve \(\mathbf{H}_4 \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\) for \(\mathbf{x}\) where \[ \mathbf{b} = \left(\begin{array}{c} 0.04\\ 3.19\\ 3.26\\ 1.93 \end{array}\right) \] and the following function can be used to form the Hilbert matrix
Week 5 lecture 1
Challenges I
- Compute the eigen-decomposition of \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) from Example 3.2, i.e.
\[ \boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \begin{pmatrix}4&2&1 \\2&3&2 \\1&2&2 \\\end{pmatrix}. \]
- Show that its eigenvectors are orthogonal.
- Find \(|\boldsymbol{\Sigma}|\) and \(\log(|\boldsymbol{\Sigma}|)\), avoiding first calculating \(|\boldsymbol{\Sigma}|\) for the latter.
Challenges II
- Write two functions,
matpow1(A, k)
andmatpow2(A, k)
, that compute \(\mathbf{A}^k\) for a positive integer \(k\) and a symmetric matrix \(\mathbf{A}\), wherematpow1()
uses afor()
loop andmatpow2()
uses the eigen-decomposition of \(\mathbf{A}\).
matpow1 <- function(A, k) {
# function to calculate matrix power of symmetric matrix A
# based on a for loop
# k is an integer
# return matrix of same dimension as A
** insert code here **
matpow2 <- function(A, k) {
# as above, but based on the eigen-decomposition of A
** insert code here **
# one loop-based approach
matpow1 <- function(A, k) {
# function to calculate matrix power of symmetric matrix A
# based on a for loop
# k is an integer
# return matrix of same dimension as A
Ak <- A
if (k > 1) {
for (i in 2:k) {
Ak <- Ak %*% A
# an alternative loop-based approach
matpow1 <- function(A, k) {
# function to calculate matrix power of symmetric matrix A
# based on a for loop
# k is an integer
# return matrix of same dimension as A
Ak <- diag(nrow(A))
for (i in 1:k) {
Ak <- Ak %*% A
H <- hilbert(4)
Hpow5 <- matpow1(H, 5)
all.equal(matpow1(H, 5), Hpow5)
matpow2 <- function(A, k) {
# as above, but based on the eigen-decomposition of A
eA <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)
U <- eA$vectors
lambda <- eA$values
U %*% tcrossprod(diag(lambda^k), U)
all.equal(matpow2(H, 5), Hpow5)
Week 5 lecture 2
Challenges I
- Consider Example 3.22 from the lecture notes. Use the SVD of \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) to solve \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma} \mathbf{z} = \mathbf{y} - \boldsymbol{\mu}\) for \(\mathbf{z}\), where
\[ {\bf y} = \left( \begin{array}{c} 0.7\\ 1.3\\ 2.6 \end{array} \right),~~ \boldsymbol{\mu} = \left( \begin{array}{c} 1\\ 2\\ 3 \end{array} \right)~~\text{and}~~ \boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \left( \begin{array}{rrr} 4 & 2 & 1\\ 2 & 3 & 2\\ 1 & 2 & 2\\ \end{array} \right). \]
Week 5 lecture 3
Challenges I
- Compute the QR decomposition of \(\mathbf{H}_4\), the \(4 \times 4\) Hilbert matrix, in the form \(\mathbf{QR} = \mathbf{H}_4\) by finding \(\mathbf{Q}\) and \(\mathbf{R}\).
- Use the QR decomposition to find \(|\text{det}(\mathbf{H}_4)|\).
- Use the QR decomposition to solve \(\mathbf{H}_4 \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\) for \(\mathbf{x}\) where \[ \mathbf{b} = \begin{pmatrix}0.04 \\3.19 \\3.26 \\1.93 \\\end{pmatrix}. \]
Challenges II
- Generate an arbitrary \(m \times n\) matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) comprising positive values for \(m = 5\) and \(n = 3\). Then use function
to find \(\mathbf{Q}\) and \(\mathbf{R}\) of its QR decomposition. Confirm that \(\mathbf{QR} = \mathbf{A}\).
- Investigate what
has actually given withqr()
, given Theorem 3.3.
- Calculate the SVD of your matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) from Question 1, and confirm that the absolute value of the product of the diagonal entries of \(\mathbf{R}\) matches the product of the singular values of its SVD.
- Compute \(\mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\) and confirm that \(\mathbf{R}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{R} = \mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\), so that \(\mathbf{R}\) is a upper-triangular Cholesky decomposition of \(\mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\).
- Compute the Cholesky decomposition \(\mathbf{LL}^{\text{T}} = \mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\). What do you notice about the values of \(\mathbf{R}\) and \(\mathbf{L}^{\text{T}}\)?
Week 6 lecture 1
Challenges I
- Generate an arbitrary \(m \times n\) matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) comprising positive values for \(m = 5\) and \(n = 3\). Then use function
to find \(\mathbf{Q}\) and \(\mathbf{R}\) of its QR decomposition. Confirm that \(\mathbf{QR} = \mathbf{A}\).
- Investigate what
has actually given withqr()
, given Theorem 3.3.
- Calculate the SVD of your matrix \(\mathbf{A}\) from Question 1, and confirm that the absolute value of the product of the diagonal entries of \(\mathbf{R}\) matches the product of the singular values of its SVD.
- Compute \(\mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\) and confirm that \(\mathbf{R}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{R} = \mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\), so that \(\mathbf{R}\) is a upper-triangular Cholesky decomposition of \(\mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\).
- Compute the Cholesky decomposition \(\mathbf{LL}^{\text{T}} = \mathbf{A}^{\text{T}}\mathbf{A}\). What do you notice about the values of \(\mathbf{R}\) and \(\mathbf{L}^{\text{T}}\)?
Challenges II
- Use Woodbury’s formula to compute \(\mathbf{B}^{-1}\) where \(\mathbf{B} = \mathbf{H}_8 + \mathbf{UU}^\text{T}\) where \[ \mathbf{U} = \begin{pmatrix}4.7&10.6 \\3.2&22.5 \\0.2&14.1 \\1.1&11.5 \\5.0&3.3 \\8.3&12.9 \\1.1&9.0 \\5.6&3.9 \\\end{pmatrix} \] and \(\mathbf{H}_8\) is the \(8 \times 8\) Hilbert matrix.
- Confirm that Woodbury’s formula gives the same result as directly inverting \(\mathbf{B}\) with
(or equivalent).
- Use the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula to compute \(\mathbf{D}^{-1}\) where \(\mathbf{D} = \mathbf{A} + \mathbf{UCU}^\text{T}\) with \(\mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{U}\) as in Question 1 and \[ \mathbf{C} = \begin{pmatrix}3.9&-1.7 \\-1.7&2.9 \\\end{pmatrix} \]
- Confirm that the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula gives the same result as directly inverting \(\mathbf{D}\)
Challenges III
- Consider the \(MVN_p(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma})\) likelihood’s squared Mahalanobis distance, i.e. \[ g(\mathbf{y}) = (\mathbf{y} - \boldsymbol{\mu})^{\text{T}}\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}(\mathbf{y} - \boldsymbol{\mu}). \] Find \(\dfrac{\partial g(\mathbf{y}) }{\partial \mathbf{y}}\) and \(\dfrac{\partial^2 g(\mathbf{y})}{\partial \mathbf{y} \partial \mathbf{y}^{\text{T}}}\).
\[ \dfrac{\partial g(\mathbf{y}) }{\partial \mathbf{y}} = 2 \boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}(\mathbf{y} - \boldsymbol{\mu}),~~\dfrac{\partial^2 g(\mathbf{y}) }{\partial \mathbf{y}^2} = 2 \boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}. \]